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About Us

The begining

At the 1975 Community Games held in Croydon Gardens, Mrs Kathleen Harney and
Mrs Una McGrory in the course of discussion with some members of the Road
The league committee spoke of the need for a soccer club to cater for the boys whose activities had ended with the Road Leagues and the Liam Rapple Trophy.
So it was that shortly after matters were put in hand for the formation of Marino Boys
AFC. The Roads League committee became the founding members of the club
In the first season 2 teams, an u16 and an u18 were entered in the Dublin and
District Schoolboys League. The u18’s won the “B” section of the league that

The club entered varying numbers of teams into the leagues in the following years.
growing to 6 teams after 10 years. Easter of 1984 saw the clubs first overseas trip (to
Blackpool) to play some friendly games and also a visit to Anfield to see the
Liverpool versus West Brom match.

The clubs first girls’ team (under 16) was entered into the Dublin Women’s Soccer
League in 1999. To reflect the club catering for both boys and girls the name of the
club was changed to Marino A.F.C. Today the club caters for 27 teams including 5
girls teams for age groups u8 to u21.
Over the years the club could not have survived and prospered without the loyal
support of the many volunteers that have assisted the club. The many hours of
selfless work have helped build up the club to its present strength. With the support
of you all the club can look forward to the future with confidence.