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Marino AFC aims to provide a positive and supportive environment for all those involved in the game at our club. None of this is possible without a collective commitment to fair play, discipline, and respect – but also an acknowledgement that we parents, coaches, players, supporters are all ambassadors for the club.

Our Code of Conduct defines a standard of behaviour that every club member and parent or guardian must adhere to. It applies when interacting with each other, and when representing Marino AFC with others. It also outlines how any breach of this policy may be dealt with, and that there is a standardised and transparent approach.

All club members, supporters, parents and guardians are expected to be aware of, understand, and abide by our Code of Conduct.


Marino AFC players are expected to treat club members, Referees, Opposition, Coaches and visiting club members with respect regardless of Race , Creed , Colour, Gender and Ability.

  • Act within the rules and spirit of the game.
  • Be respectful of coaches, other club members, match officials, and club property.
  • Respect the decision of match officials without question.
  • Be supportive to their teammates at all times.
  • Never be verbally abusive to teammates, opposition teams, coaches, match officials, or spectators. Examples of verbal abuse include, but are not limited to, using foul language, threats, and derogatory and or offensive terms.
  • Never be physically abusive to teammates, opposition teams, coaches, match officials, or spectators. Examples of physical abuse are, but not limited to, aggressive posturing, unwanted physical contact, or foul gestures. Violent conduct is, but not limited to, deliberately seeking to injure another player during play, spitting, seeking to physically strike another player or striking another player.
  • Pay any league disciplinary fines for violent conduct charges.
  • Never involve the club’s name or their team in negative or unsportsmanlike communications on social media.
  • Bullying is not tolerated. Marino AFC have a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of bullying inclusive of internet /social media.
  • Always conduct themselves, and represent the club, in a positive, and fair manner.
  • Players are required to wear appropriate gear including shin-guards at all training sessions and matches.
  • Players representing club on School / League / FAI squads are expected to follow the above.

Managers and Coaches

  • Marino AFC members, managers, and coaches are expected to:
  • All teams will have a named Manager registered with the club.
  • Managers are to inform all relevant persons of Garda Vetting procedure
  • Managers / Coaches are expected to attend Marino AFC meetings when and if required. In their absence a team representative can replace them for once off meeting.Teams who don’t send representatives to meetings will be subject to disciplinary measures.
  • In non-competitive age groups, skills development is our core focus.
  • All teams are to follow FAI PDP guidelines on player development.
  • Players who participate & engage fully to be given equal time on pitch. Players must be given opportunity to play in a variety of positions.
  • Win at all cost is strongly discouraged.
  • Managers / Coaches will create a safe environment for members attending game’s and training sessions. First Aid Kit, Equipment, Shin-guards, Goalposts, Pitch, Behaviour & Conduct.
  • Coaches are discouraged from using mobile phones and or smoking during training sessions & matches.
  • Managers are not to contact players under 18 years of age or to have their personal numbers on phone. All communication is with Parent & Guardian.
  • Managers / Coaches are strongly discouraged from arranging players transport to and from training and matches. This is a parent / guardian’s responsibility.
  • Managers & Coaches will endeavour to be up to date with latest coaching knowledge, skills and practice. Use Language that is simple and age appropriate.
  • Managers / Coaches are expected to wear official Marino AFC gear at all times.
  • Create a safe, inclusive, and positive training/match-day environment.
  • Treat all players, parents, club members, and match officials with respect.
  • Ensure their players, and players’ parents, are respectful of opposing players, match officials, supporters.
  • Always conduct themselves in a professional manner on the sideline – aware they represent the club.
  • Be aware of how they address players – always using an age-appropriate tone.
  • Never make negative comments or address grievances directly with an opposition player. Instead bring any concerns to the attention of the referee or opposition coach at an appropriate time.
  • Be open to questions or concerns of parents, agreeing on an appropriate time to discuss such matters if needed. Always respond in a positive professional manner, directing parents to the Director of Coaching if appropriate.
  • Respect the facilities and property of our club and other teams – including ensuring post-match litter is correctly disposed of.
  • Never use verbally abusive language towards players, managers, coaches, match officials or spectators. Examples of verbal abuse include using foul language, threats, derogatory and/or offensive terms.
  • Never be physically abusive towards players, managers, coaches, match officials, or spectators. Examples of physical abuse are, but not limited to, aggressive posturing, unwanted physical contact, or foul gestures. Violent conduct is, but not limited to, seeking to physically strike another individual or striking another individual.
  • Always bring any concerning behavioural issues or incidents to the attention Club Committee immediately or as soon as reasonably possible.
  • Be fair, transparent, and consistent with matters of discipline within their team – taking responsibility to ensure individual players abide by the players’ Code of Conduct.
  • Be aware of team dynamics and ensure all players feel included and supported.
  • Recognise the emotional impact of their words on young players and seek to always instruct and coach in a positive, supportive manner.
  • Never involve the club’s name or their team in negative, unsportsmanlike, or offensive communications on social media.
  • Be respectful to other members in club messaging groups and refrain from posting content likely to upset or cause offence.
  • Never share confidential club, coaching, and or meeting discussions or information with non-members.
  • Fully understand their Child Protection and Child Welfare responsibilities in order to protect children, themselves, and the club.
  • Report any concerns regarding child welfare to our Child Welfare Officer immediately.

Parents and Guardians

Marino AFC  parents and guardians are expected to:

  • Ensure their child arrives at training and matches on time, and ready to participate.
  • Inform the team coach of any absences as soon as reasonably possible to avoid disruption to training plans or match days.
  • Conduct themselves in a supportive and civil manner at games, training, or club events – always aware they too represent the club.
  • Follow all instructions from club and match officials, whether home or away.
  • Recognise that it is solely the manager/coach’s role to give advice and make decisions with regard to their teams.
  • Never give players direction during training and or matches – support only with words of encouragement and praise.
  • Never enter the field of play. If a child is injured, allow the manager/coach to tend to the child and they will ask for your assistance if needed.
  • Respect the facilities of the club and other clubs, ensuring sideline litter is correctly disposed of.
  • Never be verbally or physically abusive to coaches, players, match officials, opposition teams, or other supporters.
  • Always speak directly with a coach or manager if they have a question or issue – first agreeing on an appropriate time to do so. Then only bringing it to the attention of the club committee if it was not satisfactorily resolved.
  • Never speak negatively about the club, its members, or match officials on the sideline. Wait until an appropriate, private setting can be found to discuss concerns or issues directly with a coach or senior member of the club.
  • Report any concerns regarding child welfare to our Child Welfare Officer immediately.
  • Recognise that managers/coaches voluntarily give up their free time to coach their children. Without these volunteers, there would be no club. Disrespectful behaviour can cause unnecessary tension for parents and players alike.
  • Pay any club membership or other agreed fees in a timely manner.
  • Report any concerns regarding child welfare to our Child Welfare Officer immediately.
  • Parent / Guardian of players attending academy sessions must remain for the full duration of the session.
  • Parent / Guardian of players are encouraged to remain for both Training and Matches.
  • Marino AFC policy states that players below the age of 12 years of age should not be left unaccompanied at training or matches . Players over 12 years can be unaccompanied but club must have signed consent.
  • Parent / Guardian fully responsible for arranging son / daughters transport to training & matches. This is not a task for Managers.
  • Parent must inform Manager of a non-attendance.
  • Parent / Guardian will communicate with managers & club. It is not acceptable for players under 18 to contact Managers.

Breaches of Code

We believe in everyone’s ability to represent the club in a positive manner and we understand that most issues are unintentional – often the result of an over-abundance of passion for the game. These can normally be resolved by simply highlighting the behaviour to the individual.

Unfortunately, in some cases more formal action may be required to protect players, coaches, parents, and the good name of the club.

 Disciplinary action can take the form of temporary bans, fines, and in the most serious cases, managers, coaches, players, or parents being asked to leave the club. Please see our Disciplinary Policy here.